A sweet, woody honey with a distinctly Cévennes character.
On the palate, it is a subtle combination of the sweetness of raspberry trees, which then gives way to the woody side of chestnut trees. Crystallized, this honey takes on a jelly-like texture that melts in the mouth: something to delight gourmets.
This honey goes particularly well with goat's cheese, especially Pélardon, the famous goat cheese from the Cévennes.
Stéphane is a passionate and exciting beekeeper. In the heart of the Cévennes National Park, in the village of Arrigas, he uses beekeeping methods that date back to the Middle Ages. One by one, he has collected old trunk hives in the region, and has founded a veritable sanctuary for the black bee at Cévennes.
Storage: Store in a dark place at room temperature.